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, , , , , , , (2024).
Reflect to interact – Fostering medical students' communication through reflection-focused e-learning.
BMC Medical Education, 24(541) DOI:10.1186/s12909-024-05368-4
, , , , , , , (2024).
‘You also have to let people go’ – Effects of formative experiences with dying and death on medical trainees’ attitudes.
Medical Science Educator, DOI:10.1007/s40670-024-02090-0
, , , , , , (2024).
Einblicke in das Sinnerleben von Medizinstudierenden im Studium. Eine Online-Umfrage an zwei medizinischen Fakultäten.
GMS Journal for Medical Education , accepted for publication.
, , , , , , , , , , , , (2024).
Training in medical communication competence through video-based e-learning: How effective are video modeling and video reflection?
Patient Education and Counseling, 121(4) DOI:10.1016/j.pec.2023.108132
, , , , , , , (2024).
Too much time or not enough? An observational study of teacher wait time after questions in medical education case-based seminars.
BMC Medical Education, 24(690) DOI:10.1186/s12909-024-05667-w
, , , , , (2024).
Seeing with Different Eyes. The Module Life & Science of the Elite-Master Program Biomedical Neuroscience.
Medical Science Educator, DOI:10.1007/s40670-024-01992-3
, , (2024).
Preparing medical students for their educational task as physicians: important, desirable and unexplored territory.
BMC Medical Education, 24(391) DOI:10.1186/s12909-024-05328-y
, , (2024).
Wenn Ärzte und Ärztinnen erkranken – Gedanken über einen Perspektivwechsel.
Onkologie, 30, 43-47.
, , , , (2024).
Development and Implementation of a Peer-Teaching Curriculum for Student Assistants.
Medical Science Educator, DOI:10.1007/s40670-024-02050-8
, , , , , (2023).
Professional Identity and Motivation for Medical School in First‑Year Medical Students: A Cross‑sectional Study.
Medical Science Educator, 33, 431–441. Published online: 06 March 2023. DOI:10.1007/s40670-023-01754-7
, , (2023).
Die drei Säulen der Evidenz. Interview mit Pascal O. Berberat
Die Architekt, 3, 36-41.
Implications of internationalisation of medical education.
BMC Medical Education, 23(640) DOI:10.1186/s12909-023-04630-5
, , , , (2023).
Structure and quality of bedside teaching: A videographic analysis.
Medical Teacher, Published online: 18 Dec 2023. DOI:10.1080/0142159X.2023.2289860
, , , , , , , (2023).
Experiences of medical students and nursing trainees from unexpected death through simulation training.
BMC Medical Education , 23(667) DOI:
, , , , , (2023).
Flipping the classroom in neurological bedside teaching: a prospective controlled study.
BMC Medical Education, 23(164)
, , , (2023).
Structured interviews on self-regulated learning strategies of medical students in the final year of medical school.
BMC Medical Education, 23(604) DOI:10.1186/s12909-023-04607-4
, , , (2023).
German first-year medical students’ expectations of their professional life – concerns and hopes: a project report.
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 40(6)
, , , , , (2023).
Measuring informal workplace learning outcomes in residency training: A validation study.
BMC Medical Education, 23(549) DOI:10.1186/s12909-023-04529-1
, (2023).
Pendleton’s Rules: A Mini Review of a Feedback Method.
American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 19(1) DOI:10.34297/AJBSR.2023.19.002542
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (2023).
Public information needs and preferences on COVID‑19: a cross‑sectional study.
BMC Public Health, 23(394) DOI:10.1186/s12889-023-15131-x
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Locating Medical Information during an Infodemic: Information Seeking Behavior and Strategies of Health-Care Workers in Germany.
Healthcare, 11, 1602. DOI:10.3390/healthcare11111602
, , , , , , , , (2023).
Design and Transition of an Emergency E-Learning Pathology Course for Medical Students - Evaluation of a Novel Course Concept.
European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 13, 112-129. DOI:10.3390/ejihpe13010008
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Development and internal validation of an instrument to measure the motivation of residents for family medicine.
European Journal of General Practice, 29(1) DOI:10.1080/13814788.2023.2212903
, , , , (2023).
Implicit expression of uncertainty in medical students during different sequences of clinical reasoning in simulated patient handovers.
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 40(1), Doc7. DOI:10.3205/zma001589
, , , , , (2023).
Student mistakes and teacher reactions in bedside teaching.
Advances in Health Sciences Education, 28, 1523-1556. DOI:10.1007/s10459-023-10233-y
, , , , , , (2023).
OPEN Hackathon at the TUM School of Medicine, Germany.
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 40(2) Doc15. DOI:
Advantages of learning objectives and the National Competence-based Catalogue of Learning Objectives
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 40(5)
, , , , , , (2022).
Residents as teachers in Neurology: a Germany-wide survey on the involvement of neurological residents in clinical teaching.
Neurological Research and Practice, 4(17) DOI:10.1186/s42466-022-00170-3
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Förderung der Kompetenz angehender Lehrpersonen zum Führen von Elterngesprächen. Wirksamkeit einer Kurzintervention.
Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung, 5(1), 241-256.
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Just showing is not enough: First-person-view-videos as a feedback tool in resuscitation simulation.
Studies in Educational Evaluation, 72 DOI:10.1016/j.stueduc.2021.101100
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Validation of the ComCare index for rater-based assessment of medical communication and interpersonal skills.
Patient Education and Counseling, 105(4), 1004–1008. DOI:10.1016/j.pec.2021.07.051
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Editorial: Prüfen im Kontext kompetenzorientierter Hochschulbildung.
Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 17(1), 9-16.
, , , , , (2022).
How to... train your skills goes digital! A project report on the development and implementation of practice-oriented digital student tutorials.
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 39(1), Doc5. DOI:10.3205/zma001526
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A video-based situational judgement test of medical students’ communication competence in patient encounters: Development and first evaluation.
Patient Education and Counseling, 105(5), 1283–1289. DOI:10.1016/j.pec.2021.08.020
, (2022).
Editorial: Beratung im schulischen Kontext.
Journal für LehrerInnenbildung, 22(2), 7-12.
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Frequency of medical students’ language expressing implicit uncertainty in simulated handovers.
International Journal of Medical Education, 13, 28-34. DOI:10.5116/ijme.61e6.cde0
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Medical Students and their Perceptions of digital Medicine: A Question of Gender?
Medical Science Educator, Published Online: 2022-08-02. DOI:10.1007/S40670-022-01594-X
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Is there an increase over time in the complexity of teacher questions and student responses in case-based clinical seminars? A cross-sectional video study.
BMC Medical Education, 22, Article 871. DOI:10.1186/s12909-022-03944-0
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Effectiveness of non‑bedside teaching during the COVID‑19 pandemic: a quasi‑experimental study.
BMC Medical Education, 22(73) DOI:10.1186/s12909-022-03141-z
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COVID-19 Intensive Care - Evaluation of Public Information Sources and Current Standards of Care in German Intensive Care Units: A Cross Sectional Online Survey on Intensive Care Staff in Germany.
Healthcare, 10(7), 1315. DOI:10.3390/healthcare10071315
Doctor-patient communication in undergraduate medical education: Competence and attitudes (Dissertation).
Technische Universität München,
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Integrated clinical case discussions – a fully student‑organized peer‑teaching program on internal medicine.
BMC Medical Education, 22(828) DOI:10.1186/s12909-022-03889-4
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Bedeutung der Lernumgebung und Reduzierung von Burnout in der stationären Weiterbildung – Analyse des Kompetenzzentrums Weiterbildung Allgemeinmedizin Bayern (KWAB).
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The WFME global standards for quality improvement of postgraduate medical education: Which standards are also applicable in Germany? Recommendations for physicians with a license for postgraduate training and training agents.
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 39(4), Doc42. DOI:10.3205/zma001563
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New concepts in neurology education: successful implementation of flipped classroom lectures.
Neurological Research and Practice, 4(31) DOI:10.1186/s42466-022-00196-7
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Wake-Up Call for Action: The Current Situation of Public, Global and One Health Education during Medical School in Times of Globalization and Increasing Health Threats: A review.
Medical Research Archives, 10(11) DOI:10.18103/mra.v10i11.3335
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Student evaluations of teaching and the development of a comprehensive measure of teaching effectiveness for medical schools.
BMC Medical Education, 22(113) DOI:10.1186/s12909-022-03148-6
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Evaluating the Global Rating scale’s psychometric properties to assess communication skills of undergraduate medical students in video-recorded simulated patient encounters.
Patient Education and Counselingc, 105(3), 750-755. DOI:10.1016/j.pec.2021.06.001
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Programs to encourage working as a general practitioner in rural areas: why do medical students not want to participate? A cross-sectional study.
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 22(622) DOI:10.1186/s12909-022-03688-x
Learning to teach in medical education.
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 39(1), Doc14. DOI:10.3205/zma001535
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Considering medical students’ perception, concerns and needs for e-exam during COVID-19: a promising approach to improve subject specific e-exams.
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One academic year under COVID-19 conditions: two multicenter cross-sectional evaluation studies among medical students in Bavarian medical schools, Germany Students' needs, difficulties, and concerns about digital teaching and learning.
BMC Medical Education, 22(450) DOI:10.1186/s12909-022-03480-x
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Representational scaffolding in digital simulations – learning professional practices in higher education.
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Implementing Kolb´s Experiential Learning Cycle by linking real experience, case-based discussion and simulation.
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Health Science Education in International Context: Strategies for Bridging Cultural Differences.
Medical Science Educator, Published Online: 2022-10-05. DOI:10.1007/s40670-022-01638-2
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Changes in Medical Students´ and Anesthesia Technician Trainees´ Attitudes Towards Interprofessionality – Experience from an Interprofessional Simulation-based Course.
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Befunde zur Förderung kommunikativer Kompetenz aus dem medizinischen Kontext: Welche Perspektiven ergeben sich daraus für die Ausbildung von Lehrpersonen im Hinblick auf das Führen von Elterngesprächen?
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How is modern bedside teaching structured? A video analysis of learning content, social and spatial structures.
BMC Medical Education, 22(790) DOI:10.1186/s12909-022-03855-0
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Moderne Hochschullehre für das 21. Jahrhundert. Die Lehrstrategie der Technischen Universität München.
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Virtueller Praktikumstag Urologie – Studentenunterricht an der Technischen Universität München in Zeiten der Covid19-Pandemie.
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Covid-19: What can public health organisations learn from crisis management approaches?
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What qualities in teachers are valued by medical students?
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What Were You Thinking? Medical Students’ Metacognition and Perceptions of Self-Regulated Learning.
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Physicians as clinical teachers: Motivation and attitudes.
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Focus on patients in medical education.
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Einleitung. Die Narrative Medizin im deutschsprachigen Raum.
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Increased professionalization and lower burnout scores were associated with structured residency training program: results of a cross sectional survey.
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LET ME … keep your eyes open! Was man als Ärzt*in so alles sehen muss?!
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Medizinstudierende im freiwilligen Hilfseinsatz im Kontext der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie: Zum Einfluss psychologischer Faktoren auf die Meldebereitschaft.
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Measuring hygiene competence: the picture-based situational judgement test HygiKo.
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Why should medical students (not) be recruited to care for patients with COVID-19?
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Medical students’ knowledge and attitudes regarding vaccination against measles, influenza and HPV. An international multicenter study.
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Isn't here just there without a “t” – inwiefern können digitale Clinical Case Discussions den Ausfall von Präsenzlehre kompensieren?
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 37(7) Sonderheft „Lehre in Zeiten von Covid-19“. DOI:10.3205/zma001392
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Improving physicians' surgical ward round competence through simulation-based training.
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Vertical Integration in Medical Education: The Broader Perspective.
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Promoting positive perceptions of and motivation for research among undergraduate medical students to stimulate future research involvement: a grounded theory study.
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How can communicative competence instruction in medical studies be improved through digitalization?
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(Selbst-)Reflexion und das Training professioneller Fähigkeiten im Kontext des zukünftigen ‚Arzt-Seins‘ – eine qualitative Analyse medizinstudentischer Erfahrung bei LET ME…keep you real!
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Neurological teaching in times of crisis.
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Preparing students for lifelong learning by means of metacognition.
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Validation of a competence-based assessment of medical students’ performance in the physician’s role.
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Assessing core competences of medical students with a test for flight school applicants.
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Teacher questions and student responses in case-based learning: Outcomes of a video study in medical education.
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Specific feedback makes medical students better communicators.
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Übersicht über die Forschung im Bereich der medizinischen Ausbildung.
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Die Integration im Lichte der Curriculumgestaltung.
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Implementing a logbook on entrustable professional activities in the final year of undergraduate medical education in Germany - a multicentric pilot study.
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„Imagine Neuro-Oncology“- a one week course with medical and technical students: students’ reflections about multidisciplinary and its practical relevance.
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